Upper Cervical Bootcamp

November 8-10, 2024

Delta Sigma Chi Mansion

Davenport, Iowa

Join Dr. Bulow for this unique and hands-on learning experience. Whether you are a student or a practice chiropractor, this bootcamp will equip you with the foundational skills necessary to get the sickest patients well. The Upper Cervical Bootcamp includes the latest research and rationale for upper cervical care, hands-on techniques, and a special workshop for practice management and marketing. You do not want to miss it!

Friday Night Special!


Success Principles

This bonus session will be an opportunity to discuss practice management, business management, personal development, marketing, and branding. The practice of upper cervical is unique and therefore should be branded and operated as such. One of the biggest mistakes made by new graduates is applying “old wine to new wine skins” (running an upper cervical clinic in the same way and brand as a traditional chiropractic facility). This session will include Q&A and open discussion about best practices for success in upper cervical.


8AM - 12Noon

• Chiropractic in 3D

Join Dr. Ian Bulow for an in depth and immersive understanding of the power of upper cervical care. Dr Bulow will review the neurology on biomechanics of the craniocervical junction (CCJ), as well as demonstrate real-time 3D analysis of the CCJ. This presentation will include a generation look at the development of upper cervical, and a brief review of the major upper cervical procedures available

• Vertebral Subluxation Detection Technique

This session will review the primary methods for subluxation detection in the clinical practice of chiropractic. Time will be allotted for hands on training and guidance in cervical palpation, postural assessments, leg checks, and thermal scanning.

• Thermal pattern analysis

Often misunderstood and underutilized, the skillset of thermal pattern analysis will be demonstrated in real time with multiple cases. This form of evaluation is critical for the management of complex functional patient presentations and the importance of its use cannot be overstated.


1PM - 5PM

• CCJ Imaging

Regardless of your chiropractic technique, 3D imaging has allowed us to visualize misalignment types with 100% clarity in recent years. This session will demonstrate real-time analysis of vertebral subluxations in the CCJ utilizing different 3D and plain-film perspectives.

• Upper Cervical Biomechanics

With the help of 3D imaging, and the latest research, an in depth understanding of upper cervical biomechanics will be achieved. This session will include a review of regular biomechanics, along with abnormal subluxation misalignment types. Once a firm understanding of these primary misalignment types can be appreciated, the doctor of chiropractic can more accurately apply their given procedure of preference.

• Perfect Patient Placement

Special considerations can be taken when adjusting patients in the side posture position. This session will review the advantages and techniques that can be applied when using a side-posture approach to cervical adjusting.


8AM - 12Noon

Featuring Guest

Dr. Eddie Weller

• Perfect Contact Point

Likely one of the most important aspects of a successful adjustment is the accuracy & application of the contact point between the doctor and patient. This is a skill set that often “slips” over the years of practice, and is often overlooked in conferences and seminars as most focus on adjust drills on tables or speeder boards. Different options will be discussed and demonstrated based on the different Do not underestimate the importance of utilizing a perfect contact point between you and your patient!

• The Perfect Adjustment

The holy grail of clinical practice, the “adjustment with that extra something!” In our final hours of Saturday, we will review the fundamental and necessary components to delivering a successful adjustment to craniocervical junction. While these fundamentals can be applied by almost any technique, hands on instruction will be given in delivering the adjustment utilizing the side-posture drop table. Adjustments of primary misalignment types of both the atlas and axis will be covered.

• #ChiroEggChallenge is on!

Bring your speed and bring you’re A-game, because you do not want mess this session up. The Sunday session will conclude with a friendly toggle competition that will test your toggle technique. Yes, real eggs will be used! Prizes will be awarded to the top adjusters.

***Information regarding Continuing Education (CE) credits:

Up to 12 hours of CE have been approved for states with "Auto Approval" status. This states are Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, US Virgin Islands, Washington, Wyoming, Newfoundland (CAN), Ontario (CAN).

A $50 fee will be charged for anyone who practices in these states and would like to receive CE for their attendance.

If you would like to obtain CE for your attendance, you must contact Dr. Bulow directly at [email protected] PRIOR TO attendance.

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